The typical Bloom student is a girl struggling with crisis-level teen girl issues. Before coming into the program, she found herself in crisis and her life in confusion.
She is as young as 12 – as old as 17.
She may or may not have tried drugs or alcohol.
Perhaps she has used cutting to cope as she is suffering from depression.
She is exhibiting serious teenage behavior problems.
She might have become an extremely angry teen girl.
A runner… rebellious… scared.
No matter what the problem, her world and home was a war zone – an emotional mine field as she was out of control and in need of help. Her parents searched for the right program – the boot camps for kids and teens, the military boarding schools, the 30-day rehabs…
It wasn’t until they found Bloom that they felt hope.
I came to the short-term Adult & Teen Challenge program 6 years ago broken and felt that I had no purpose in life. By the grace of God He healed me and all of my broken relationships and with the help from the wonderful staff my family was made whole again. God continues to bless me more and more every day. Amy
At Bloom, I had to learn how to surrender. I finally did and my life has changed so much! Samantha
Before Bloom I struggled with suicidal thoughts, anxiety, self-harm.
At Bloom I learned that God has a plan for me and how to overcome my struggles and grow a deeper relationship with God.
Bloom taught me how to take my thoughts of self-harming captive and how to stop doing things that I shouldn’t. Cassie
At Bloom I was given a second chance! God helped me to overcome anxiety and depression and gave me a glimpse of everything He has planned for me! Sara
I was adopted and felt rejected. God showed me that I was loved and accepted! Angie
God and my parents loved me enough to send me to Bloom. Everything changed for me there! Hanna
I had done so many things I was ashamed of and broken my parent’s trust.
God met me at Bloom and now I can so not to those things and have a good relationship with my parents. Deb
I used to have a really bad attitude and ‘punish’ everyone around me for how bad I felt about myself. At Bloom I learned about God and how he really was punished for me. I decided to ask Him to come into my life and everything began to change. Char
Drugs, alcohol, vaping, guys… that was my life and all I cared about. Then Jesus came along and now he is all I care about. Emily
I had dropped out of school and was living for myself. My parents said I needed help and found Bloom. I wasn’t happy about going but now I am really glad I did. I was there 4 months and I learned so much about myself. I am not back in school and want to do something great with my life for God. Z
I came to Bloom angry and determined to not change. Five months later, I left full of joy and new purpose! MaKayla
Jen’s Story
I was completely and utterly broken. For my whole life, the chains of abuse had been holding me down. The shadows of drug addiction, self-mutilation, and an eating disorder shielded my eyes from the light and had caused my heart to ache with pain. Broken to what seemed to be the point of no return, I sought out help through the short term girls program.
From the moment I stepped foot in there, I felt my life begin to change. Immediately, I began to realize that I was not defined by what had happened to me, what I had done, or what had been said of me, but that I was defined as a daughter of the King. I watched as mangled relationships with my family were restored. I was given the opportunity to truly study and know the character of God in a way that is truly indescribable. I was able to build lifelong relationships and learn lifelong skills. Because the program was a short term program, I did not find myself wasting time wishing I was elsewhere, but instead wanted to soak up every moment I could. My time was filled with sweet moments of learning who the Lord was to me and who I was to the Lord.